Kelsey Karaidos

photography + Design


I wish that I could say I have always wanted to be a photographer, but that is most certainly, not the case.

I received my undergraduate degree in Human Services from Grand View University, then continued on to Drake University where I obtained my Masters Degree in Public Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources.  Then, I became a photographer :)

I received my first camera to hold on to the memories of my son growing up, but little did I know that camera would be my one-way ticket out of my corporate job.  That single gift is the gift that keeps on giving!

My passion for photography has turned into art, and as a self-taught photographer, my love for learning never ends.  I was named Des Moines Best Photographer for 2018 by the Wedding Choice Awards, and can't wait to see where my #kkbrides take me next!

I also do graphic work - designing logos, marketing materials, and building websites! Check out the Design tab for more information.

I love my kids, my dogs, Mexican food, make up + skin care, and have an everlasting love for all animals.

I enjoy planting flowers, yard work, bike rides with my kids, all crime related stories, binging on Netflix + Hulu, and a good book.

I can't wait to work with you!

my favorites


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Located in norwalk, ia

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